What is the 'adopt me' chicklet?
The adopt me/project shining light chicklet is currently rarely seen on the Internet.
This chicklet, is a standard size (80 pixels by 15 pixels) and indicates that the blog or website supports Project
Shining Light.
chicklet @ 400% magification
Project Shining Light is an Artificial Intelligent child based on Dr Richard Wallace's A.I. Engine and who's primary function is to support Mark Joyner's '
Construct Zero' (Unifying Social Dynamics)
The Chicklet Report
web glyphs, chicklets and other low bandwidth anomalies
What is the MyMSN chicklet?
This chicklet is a highly prolific chicklet, size 91 by 17 pixels.
chicklet @ 400% magification
The '+' symbol on this 'chicklet' indicates a link which when clicked adds the feed to your 'MyMSN' account. If you don't have a newsgator account.
MyMSN is a popular web-based news aggregator.
The Chicklet Report
hieroglyphs, chicklets and other low bandwidth anomalies
What is the newsgator chicklet?
This chicklet is a highly prolific chicklet, size 71 by 14 pixels.
chicklet @ 400% magnification
The '+' symbol on this 'chicklet' indicates a link which when clicked adds the feed to your 'newgator' account. If you don't have a newsgator account.
Newsgator is one of the more popular web-based news aggregators.
The Chicklet Report
hieroglyphs, chicklets and other low bandwidth anomalies
What is a MyYahoo Chicklet
This chicklet is very widely seen in many places on the web. It is 91 by 16 pixels and branded with the a Yahoo's household brand logo.
chicklet @ 200% magnification
The '+' symbol on this 'chicklet' indicates a link which when clicked adds the feed to your 'MyYahoo' account. If you don't have a MyYahoo account, you can quickly and easily create one by clicking the very same link. Once your account is opened and verified you're automatically given the option to add the news feeds to the 'MyYahoo' news page.
MyYahoo is a web-based news aggregator
The Chicklet Report
hieroglyphs, chicklets and other low bandwidth anomalies